Pyrrhic Victory…… no clinching evidence against Pakistan, Inzamam banned… The Pakistan Baazigars claim victory……

September 28, 2006

It is my thesis, that in the modern world Pyrrhic Victories are celebrated with much more gusto than clean, flawless, super efficient victories, in most walks of life.

Ranjan Madugalle, the ICC’s Chief Referee found Inzamam Ul Haq not guilty of ball tampering. His statement is a model of correctness. It is precise, to the point and is agreeably a report on the situation, more than a judgement. On the ball tampering charge he says:

“In my judgment, the marks are as consistent with normal wear and tear of a match ball after 56 overs as they are with deliberate human intervention.”

He hasn’t found anything to suggest that Pakistan did not tamper the ball. He’s merely said, its equally likely that the ball was tampered or was naturally worn. And so, if you actually think about it, Darrell Hair acted correctly in changing the ball, because everybody seems to agree that it was indeed damaged. Not changing the ball at that point, would have been unfair to England.

So ends (hopefully), one of the saddest cricketing episodes in the modern era. If you look at all the issues, as they stand at this moment:

1. Inzamam has been cleared of ball tampering.
2. Pakistans forfeiture stands (i don’t think that was considered in the hearing).
3. Inzamam won’t play the Champions Trophy.
4. Darrell Hair, thanks to his letter, finds himself out of the Champions Trophy.

Basically, all this could have been achieved 1 month ago, immediatly after the Test Match, had Mike Procter got his act together and taken charge of the situation at the Oval. Instead, Pakistan played to the gallery, walked out, and created what might be charitably described as a mess. It was left to Ranjan Madugalle and the ICC to clean up the mess 1 month later. Look who’s complaining about the cost though. Shahryar Khan – in my opinion the chief villain of the piece (when it comes to expenses occuring due to bungled leadership) in his position as the PCB boss, says:

“All this we are seeing – the expense, lawyers, coming all the way from Pakistan – who is responsible?”

Now, had Pakistan not walked out, lets consider what might have happened…

1. They would have won the Oval Test (which is the whole point of playing, and expecting fairness)
2. Inzamam would have played Champions Trophy.
3. The Pakistan Captain would not have been guilty of bringing the game to disrepute.
4. They would still have been acquitted of the ball tampering charge, because the only evidence available – the ball, and the written statements, could have been easily made available on the 4th evening of the Oval Test.
5. There would have been no expensive lawyers involved.

So the answer to the PCB Chief’s question is obvious. Pakistan are squarely responsible for all the extra expense incurred.

All in all, its about as amusing as the greatest tragedies are….


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